We are a small, friendly and growing Christian community. We are focused on growing spiritually through prayer, worship, Bible study and acts of kindness to our fellow human beings. Wherever you are on your faith journey, you are welcome to join us.
Stream (9:30 am) Sunday Service
Trinity Parish - Through the Lens
Clergy Leadership & Transition
1st Wednesday of the month - next service - Sept. 4
NOON - Rt. Rev. Gordon P, Scruton
Wethersfield's Heritage Trail
God in Christ loves, redeems, and sustains the whole of Creation, not only human beings. As we celebrate the beauty of God’s Creation in this season, we will not forget that we are facing an urgent climate and ecological crisis that demands appropriate action. In our worship services we hope that the prayers, liturgies and homilies will both challenge and comfort you as we seek to know His path forward for our lives.
Inquirers Class: Intro. to the Episcopal Church:
Bishop Mello will visit Trinity on November 17 for Confirmation, Reception and Reaffirmation of Baptism/Confirmation vows.
Beginning on September 22nd, Cheryl Cementina and Gordon Scruton will co-lead an 8-week course for people who:
A person does not need to make a decision about what they want to do until near the end of the course.
This course will involve a “lecture” on a topic each week which will require “at home reading” of a chapter from Your Faith, Your Life: An Invitation to the Episcopal Church, Revised edition. Class time will help clarify our understanding of the text/topic and integrate the material into our spiritual journey and practice.
We will meet on Sunday afternoons at 4 pm in the Seabury Room. To register or ask questions, please speak to Cheryl or Gordon, call/leave a message at the Parish Office (860-529-6825) or sign up on the sheet at the back of the Church.
Sunday Oct. 6
9am-Noon - Parish Hall
Ginger will be selling her soups and baked goods to raise funds for the children of Copprome Orphanage, Honduras. Later in October, Ginger will be travelling again to Honduras to visit her children.
Sunday Oct. 6, 2024
2:00pm - Trinity's Front Lawn
Led by Bishop Gordon P. Scruton
All are welcome!
It is more blessed to give
than to receive...Acts 20:35...
Trinity is truly blessed with such a giving congregation.
Lift Every Voice and Sing Hymnal
Trinity Parish needs your support in this joyful endeavor. Please purchase a hymnal and dedicate it to a loved one, friend who has passed or to yourself.
Each hymnal costs $30.00. Make your check payable to Trinity Parish. On the memo line indicate “LEVAS.” Please include the information below with your donation:
Name(s) ___________________________________
Given by ___________________________________
300 Main Street, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109, United States
Office Hours: Tuesday - Thursday
9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Summer Hours - June 16-August 31:
Tuesday - Wednesday
8:00 am - 1:15 pm
Trinity Parish (Episcopal)
300 Main Street, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109, United States
Copyright © 2022 Trinity Parish (Episcopal) - All Rights Reserved.